Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Music Blog!!

What up bloggies!!? Welcome to my latest endeavor: JRenee's Music Notes. For all intents and purposes this blog will be used to showcase new music and to comment on any other fuckery in the entertainment industry that I feel like giving my two cents on. If you came here looking for that drama-filled, woe is me, my life story type of stuff then go 'head and visit that there>>>

I hope you enjoy what you hear and read, or at least get the heads up on some quality music. Feel free to leave comments(good or bad). If I like it, you will find it here. If I hate it, you will find it here(accompanied by some major shit-talking).

*disclaimer: the thoughts and opinions expressed on this blog are simply that...MY OPINION. Just because I say it doesn't make it law. I may hate it, you may think its the best thing since sliced apple pie. Who am I to judge?

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