Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dru Hill "Love MD"???

Soooooo, Dru Hill is attempting yet another return to the music world, and after viewing and listening to their latest body of work, "Love MD", I'm not extremely sure if it was a good decision for them to come out of hiding. Maybe they should have rocked it out in that so well hidden closet for a little while longer. But hey, everybody wanna be fly, so prepare for take off!!

First off, Woody has finally come to the ultimate decision that he WASN'T gonna be in the group. Good choice, Woody!! And as his replacement, they've added some new cat known as Tao "The Soprano". It's still too soon for me to have an opinion on him yet, i'll give him a while to get settled in and start showing his Dru(true)colors.<<<<(I'm lovin' the word play there) Anywho...the rest of the group are all the original "dudes". There's Jazz, who is now known as "The Unpredictable"... not too sure what's so unpredictable about him, but I guess we'll see. Then you have Nokio, who's now referring to himself as "The Rockstar" and is rocking an extremely zesty looking FeauHawk (fake mohawk) that would lead us to believe some of those "gay?" rumors we've heard about him. And last, but most definitely not least, enter: "The Dragon" most affectionately known as Sisqo. He still seems to be the same ol' Sisqo, slightly fruity, but you're not too sure if you wanna give him that label yet, because he plays the fence so well. It's the later of the two mentioned members of the group who make the whole ensemble just seem like they're riding with the decepticons* in this battle.

But who am I to judge? It's not about what they do behind the enclosed walls of their closets is it? It's ultimately about the quality of the music. So give it a listen and come to your own conclusion.

By The Way, their album "InDRUpendence Day" (peep the funky word play) drops April 3rd. Go pick it up, or don't...(in my Smokey from Friday voice>>>>>I don't give a FUCK!!!)

So here it is: Dru Hill " Love MD" ALSO KNOWN (to me) AS Dru ill "I Think I Need Medical Help" (peep my funky wordplay)

My Thoughts: The song is aiight. I give it a 2 judging by the standard of music that we are used to from Dru Hill. However, my thoughts on the group as a whole are: ? I'm not sure what I think.

*decepticon-(n) men/women living straight lives when in actuality they are gay.

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